Trailer: Guided tour through the Dieter Roth Museum, © Dieter Roth Foundation, Hamburg / videocompany.ch
Dieter Roth Foundation
The DIETER ROTH FOUNDATION operates the DIETER ROTH MUSEUM, administrates the archive, supports research on the history of Dieter Roth‘s art, sponsors publications, offers events and manages the lending of works to external museum exhibitions.
Guided Tours
Tours through the museum are offered by independent curators, visits are by appointment only.
Guided tours can be offered from Monday to Friday between 10 am and 4 pm (start of a guided tour at 2 pm at the latest).
Entry fee 20 € per person, reduced for pupils, students, seniors 10 € per person. For less than 5 participants or 10 pupils, students, seniors a flat rate of € 100 applies.
For appointments use our contact form
Jour fixe
Jour fixe tours of approximately 60 mins are offered every first Friday of the month (except on public holidays) at 1 pm. Booking is required 4 days in advance. Entry fee: € 10 per person. Pupils, students, seniors: € 5 per person. The tour takes place in German.
The Jour fixe on February the 7th 2025 will not take place.
For appointments use our contact form

Dieter Roth, P.O.TH.A.A.VFB (Portrait of the artist as Vogelfutterbüste), 1968, Gussfigur aus mit Vogelfutter vermischter Schokolade, 21 x 14 x 12 cm, Auflage: 30, Herstellung: Rudolf Rieser, Köln, Verlag: Verlag: Galerie Hake, Köln
Dieter Roth Foundation, Hamburg, © Dieter Roth Estate, Courtesy Hauser & Wirth